Find Your IP Address Info with Precision
IP Lookup & Geolocation

Accurate IP to Location Mapping: Leveraging Top-Tier Sources for Precise IP Location & Info

Your Location

  • IP Address IP Address
  • City City Dublin
  • Region Region Ohio
  • Country State Ohio
  • Country Country US
  • Latitude Latitude 40.10
  • Longitude Longitude -83.11
  • Country AS Number 16509
  • Organization Organization AMAZON-02
Answers to
Frequently Asked Questions
What is an IP address?
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An IP Address is a unique string of numbers separated by periods (for IPv4) or colons (for IPv6) that identifies your device on the internet or a local network. It acts like a digital address that allows data to be sent and received accurately, ensuring that your online activities can be carried out smoothly. There are two types of IP addresses:

  • IPV4: This is the most common format, consisting of four groups of numbers (e.g., Due to the limited number of available IPv4 addresses, IPv6 was developed.
  • IPV6: This newer version provides a significantly larger number of addresses, using eight groups of four hexadecimal digits (e.g., 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370: 7334), to accommodate the growing number of devices online.
  • What is the Difference Between Public and Private IP Addresses?
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    Understanding the distinction between public and private IP addresses is crucial for navigating the complexities of internet connectivity and network architecture.

  • Public IP Addresses: These are unique across the entire internet. Assigned by internet service providers (ISPs), public IP addresses are used by routers to communicate with the outside world. This type of IP address allows devices to access the internet and interact with other online services. Since public IP addresses are unique and globally recognizable, they enable internet traffic to be routed to and from specific devices accurately.
  • Private IP Addresses: In contrast, private IP addresses are used within a local network and are not visible on the internet. These addresses allow devices within the same network to communicate with each other, such as computers, printers, and other IoT devices sharing the same Wi-Fi network. Private IP addresses are assigned by the network router and enable the efficient allocation and management of IP addresses within a local network without conflicting with any external IPs.
  • what is my IP address?
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    Your IP address is a unique identifier assigned to your device when it connects to the internet. It serves as a digital address that allows data to be sent and received accurately, ensuring that your online activities can be carried out smoothly. To find your IP address, you can use our IP Address tool to discover your IP address and other relevant information such as your location, ISP, and more.

    Where am I?
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    This is a question that might arise when you're trying to determine your current geographical location using the internet. This can be especially useful if you're navigating unfamiliar territory, troubleshooting network issues, or just curious about the IP geolocation associated with your device. Utilizing our IP geolocation tool you can get a precise answer to this question with minimal effort.

    What are the Uses of Accurate IP Location?
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    Accurate IP location data plays a pivotal role in various digital realms, enhancing both user experience and security measures.

  • Content Localization: One of the primary uses of accurate IP location is to present localized content to users. Websites and online services can detect a user's geographical location and deliver region-specific content, such as news, weather updates.
  • E-commerce Optimization: E-commerce platforms utilize IP geolocation to tailor their offerings and marketing strategies. This includes displaying local currency, relevant products, special offers.
  • Targeted Advertising: Advertisers use IP geolocation to serve targeted ads to users based on their location. This ensures that marketing efforts are directed toward a relevant audience.
  • Network Security: Accurate IP location data assists in enhancing network security by enabling organizations to identify suspicious login attempts and block traffic from regions known for high levels of cybercrime.